Write Your Letter

You can use this example and modify it to fit you.

Dear Representative _____________ or Senator _______________:

I am a constituent in your state.  I am writing to ask you to pass legislation to require advertisers who send mail from a mailing list to include a QR code on their mail so recipients can take themselves off the advertiser’s mailing list.

This legislation is important to me because I do not like wasting my time sorting and disposing unwanted mail.  More importantly, I want to save some trees from being used to make the paper for this junk mail. According to New York University, junk mail accounts for an estimated 5.6 million tons of paper per year.

Right now, there is no easy way to let advertisers know that we are not or no longer interested in receiving their information. By requiring them to put a QR code on the advertisement, it is an easy way for recipients to communicate back to advertisers. This notification method is like the required unsubscribe link for commercial emails as required by the CAN-SPAM Act but for printed commercial mail.

Thank you for your consideration. Please take action to pass legislation to reduce junk mail.


<Your name>
<Your address>
<Your email>


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Send your Letter

Go to the Websites of Your Federal Officials and Send your Letter

Send your letter through the “Contact” page.  Remember to send your letter to your 2 Senators and 1 Representative.